December 10–11, 2011, Saint Petersburg
Serge Paoletti is Doctor of Osteopathy, member of the Osteopath Register of France. Graduate of the European School of Osteopathy (Maidstone, United Kingdom), member of the French Academy of Osteopathy. Lecturer of osteopathic schools of France, Germany, Italy, Russia. Works with the professional French cycle racing combined team. Author of the book "Fascias".
Objective of the Seminar
Undoubtedly, in case of correct understanding and administration, the structural osteopathic method is most effective and ensures most rapid results. But at the same time it is quite difficult and requires long time for training and practice because of several reasons:
- it requires significant knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics;
- it should be carried out as precisely as possible in order to be effective not harmful.
The seminar considered different peculiarities of structural techniques:
- purpose of the structural work,
- anatomic and physiological principles,
- diagnosis,
- parameters of administering the technique:
- accuracy,
- generation of tension,
- three-dimensionality,
- amplitude and velocity.
The practical part of the seminar included working on:
- the vertebral column and ribs;
- lower extremities;
- the pelvis;
- upper extremities and the shoulder girdle.
Besides that several specific techniques for each area was shown. Therefore, it was recommended that participants of the seminar should review topographic anatomy, biomechanics and anatomic reference points.
Contact Information:
Anna Razorenova: +7 812 445 20 92