St. Petersburg Institute of Osteopathy
+7 800 555-39-26


Visiting Francis Peyralade
26 мая 2013, воскресенье


Visiting Francis Peyralade

On the 8th of May, 2013, Mr. D. Mokhov, the Director of the Institute of Osteopathy, Mr. S. Novoseltsev, Head of Cranial Department, and Mrs. L. Nosal, Deputy Head of the institute for Foreign Affairs, visited Paris and met with Francis Peyralade – the pioneer of the French osteopathy. In 1994, by coming to Saint Petersburg, he became the first teacher of Russian osteopaths.

One of the reasons for the trip was the desire of Peyralade to donate the institute with his library – the fruit of his labors in 50 years of osteopathic practice. 

 Russian osteopaths were warmly welcomed in their teacher’s house by him and his family. The meeting succeeded in making a large number of photos and video of Peyralade’s reflections and memories, as well as his wishes to young osteopaths. All stories of the participants about studying osteopathy in Russia in difficult times of the 90s were very emotional and sincere. Just then D. Mokhov and S. Novoseltsev, the Peyralade’s students, started their way in the profession. Viewing photos of that period left very touching impression. 


At the end of the meeting Francis Peyralade handed manuscripts and unique educational materials, such as models of the skull and sacrum, given to him by Viola Frymann, to the Russian colleagues. Saying good-bye, he wished the institute to continue the work started by the French pioneers of osteopathy, and generously share their knowledge with the students.



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