The general meeting of the interregional public organization "Russian Osteopathy Register" took place on June 13, 2014 when it was decided to transform the mentioned organization into the All-Russian public organization called "Russian Osteopathic Association". The participants of the meeting discussed the charter of the new organization and elected the President of the Association. The head of the Institute of Osteopathy of SPbSU & NWSMU n. a. I. I. Mechnikov, M. D., D. O. Dmitry Mokhov was elected to this position for 4 years.
As noted in the charter, the main goals of the organization are the following: promotion of the development of osteopathy as an independent field of medicine, propaganda of achievements in osteopathic science in Russia, development of international relations as well as cooperation with foreign Osteopathy Registers. Among the other objectives of the Association is also enumerating of those professionals who are involved in osteopathic practice in Russia.