St. Petersburg Institute of Osteopathy
+7 800 555-39-26


Russian Osteopathic Journal
28 декабря 2014, воскресенье

№ 3–4 (26–27) 2014

Российский остеопатический журнал № 24-25


The new issue of the Russian Osteopathic Journal was published on December 24th. The issue was presented at the traditional New Year Osteopathy Party.

The issue deals with the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases that are among the most common diseases these days. The materials published in the journal prove the efficiency of osteopathy in treatment of these pathologies. The article by D. B. Miroshnichenko, B. Kh. Akhmetov, R. F. Khayertdinova and L. R. Mindubayeva “The role of osteopathic corrective methods in combination therapy of the lumbar ischialgia syndrome” merits particular attention. The authors used methods of evidence-based medicine in order to analyze in detail the results of osteopathic treatment of lumbar ischialgia, as well as its role in pain attenuation and improvement of quality of life. The article describes the pattern of somatic dysfunctions in the painful areas. It proves that the pain can be caused not only by the dysfunctions of the lower part of the back and lower extremities, but also of the other parts of the body. The authors elaborated the treatment pathway for the patients with lumbar ischialgia.

Researches on objectification of the results of osteopathic treatment of different diseases hold a prominent place in the journal. The article by A. A. Borodkin and D. S. Lebedev “Osteopathic techniques as part of treatment of acute pancreatitis in the intensive care unit” shows that the use of osteopathic techniques along with the basic treatment of this pathology contributes to its higher efficiency. Comparative analysis of lab biochemical blood values in two groups of patients was performed in order to prove this fact. One group received only pharmaceutical treatment, the other one received osteopathic treatment together with the traditional treatment. The results of the significant scientific investigation made by D. E. Mokhov, O. E. Bogomazova and K. V. Zabaluyeva are exposed in the article “The analysis of the influence of osteopathic treatment on some measures of gaseous interchange in patients with dorsalgia”. The article shows that the osteopathic treatment of patients with dorsalgia contributes to the decrease of the saturation of hemoglobin in 3,1%. This fact can indicate on the activation of the tissue metabolism and of the gaseous interchange, that is accompanied by the high consumption of oxygen, and consequently, by the reduction of concentration of the oxygenated hemoglobin in blood.

In the section “Information” you can find a detailed report about the board session of the Russian Osteopathic Association and the professional committee in osteopathy, recently formed in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. You can also find the full list of committee members, approved by the deputy minister of health I. N. Kagramanyan.

In the section “Personalities in Osteopathy” we continue talking about the reputed Russian and foreign osteopaths, whose medical and teaching activity is highly appraised by the osteopathic community. In the new issue you can find an article about the famous French osteopath Jean-Pierre Amigues, who stands for integration of osteopathy and dentistry.

The new issue also tells about one of the first special referral osteopathic centers in Russia-“Center of regenerative medicine” (Yekaterinburg). The mini-presentation of the center is published in the section “Tell about yourself”.

Statistics of the issue:

  • 142 columns,
  • 9 original articles,
  • 2 lectures,
  • 1 review.

Обложка Российского остеопатического журнала № 26-27

Полезные ссылки:

Содержание номера с описанием публикаций

Подписка на журнал

Информация о журнале и архив статей




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