In 2015 significant changes aimed to regulate the osteopaths’ work were made in the legislative basis. The most important event was the appearance of the order of the Ministry of Health №700н from 07.10.2015, according to which osteopathy was included into the list of medical specialties. In fact it means that the process of recognition of osteopathy on the state level which lasted 4 years has finished!
In June more than 500 osteopaths and doctors of other specialties from 30 regions of Russia and 13 states took part in the International congress Osteopathy Open “Current problems of osteopathy”. In 2015 this traditional scientific event which is annually organized by St. Petersburg Institute of Osteopathy, was held for the first time under the auspices of the Ministry of Health.
Results of the congress Osteopathy Open 2015
Big photo report from the Congress
In 2015 St. Petersburg Institute of Osteopathy started to hold postgraduate seminars in its branches—in Moscow, Kazan and Yekaterinbourg. Now osteopaths from other cities don’t have to go to St. Petersburg to get closer to the experience and knowledge of the leading foreign specialists.
In October our Institute celebrated its 15-th anniversary! Many people who stood at the origins of the creation of the Institute, who worked in the Institute in different periods, our partners and friends came to celebrate us. We received a lot of sincere congratulations and wishes of further development, new achievements and prosperity.
Anniversary of the Institute of Osteopathy
A very pleasant New Year present was the entrance of the Russian Osteopathic Journal, the only scientific journal in osteopathy in our country, published by the Institute since 2007, into the list of the leading journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission. The information about that appeared on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
According to the tradition we saw off the outgoing year at the New Year Osteopathy Party, which this time was called “Visiting a Fairy Tale”. We propose you to see our big photo report about this event, so that you could enjoy with us the festive atmosphere of the New Year Party.
The team of the Institute of Osteopathy wishes its students, colleagues and partners Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you new victories, bright impressions and wonderful mood!