


Osteopathic Education

State Licensed Education of Osteopathy in the St. Petersburg State Universit, North-Western State Medical  University named after I.I. Mechnikov and Independent Institute for Further Education "Institute of Osteopathy"

The International standard of the osteopathic training    

Education in our Institute


Osteopathic education in Russian cities:

Обучение остеопатии в Москве Обучение остеопатии в Самаре Обучение остеопатии во Владивостоке Обучение остеопатии в Казани Обучение остеопатии в Екатеринбурге Обучение остеопатии в Тюмени Обучение остеопатии в Перми Обучение остеопатии в Уфе Обучение остеопатии в Омске
St. Petersburg Moscow Kazan' Samara Ekaterinburg Voronezh Perm' Ufa Omsk  

Международный симпозиум по остеопатии

International Osteopathic Congress

The International Osteopathy Open Congress is the scientific event for osteopaths around the world. The Congress provides an opportunity to maintain professional level, be familiar with the advances in the world osteopathy, to share experience and just enjoy the company of colleagues.

Detailed information


Russian Osteopathic JournalРоссийский остеопатический журнал

The Russian Osteopathic Journal is the only one in Russia. The journal contains scientific researches in the field of osteopathy; the results of clinical practice, as well as translations of articles, lectures, and selected chapters from books written by our famous foreign colleagues.

In 2016 the journal was entered on the list of publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.


Information about the journal