St. Petersburg Institute of Osteopathy
+7 800 555-39-26

International Symposium




Saint-Petersburg State University Medical Faculty 
Institute of Osteopathy
Saint-Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Institute of Osteopathic Medicine
Dear Colleagues!
We are happy to invite you to participate in the International Symposium Osteopathy Open 2010
Osteopathy as a method of diagnostics and treatment of nervous system diseases
Osteopathy and functional neurology
June 11-13, 2010 
Saint-Petersburg, "Twelve colleges" Building
For the 8th year running St.-Petersburg will become world capital for osteopathy from June 11 until June 13 (2010). Traditionally the St.-Petersburg State University and the St.-Petersburg medical academy of postgraduate education invites experts from every corner of the world to exchange their experience during the symposium Osteopathy Open. This event is of interest for experts in all areas of public health services.
This year the symposium will be devoted to diagnosis and treatment of functional disorders of the nervous system. During plenary sessions, scientific questions concerning the osteopathic treatment of psycho-emotional, somatic and neurologic diseases will be presented. Results of clinical research will be reported. The modern techniques of osteopathic diagnosis and treatments will be presented at workshops.
During the St.-Petersburg White Nights period, leading osteopaths from different countries will gather together. Representatives of the Russian state medicine and osteopathic teaching, leading representatives of Russian osteopathic associations and also international osteopathic associations will take part in the project.
You will have the opportunity to participate in the cultural program, including a boat cruise on the lake Ladoga with visit of island Valaam and its monasteries. Guests can expect a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere. The special cultural program will be arranged for the partners of delegates while the conferences are in session.
Osteopathic medicine is capable of bringing a significant improvement to human health and quality of life.

Osteopathy Open invites all who look ahead!

Contact information:
Tel: +7 921 312 88 76 Tel./Fax: +7 812 445 20 92
Contacts IdHEO, France:
e-mail:, Official site

Plenary session

11th June 2010  



V. Kozlov, MD, PhD


Institute of osteopathic medicine

Medical faculty of the Saint-Petersburg State University


Structural morphologic and systemic (holistic) approaches in the modern medicine

G. Ivanichev, MD, PhD

N. Staroseltseva

Kazan State Medical Academy (Russia)

Organization and utilization of movement. Therapeutic and applied aspects

P. Guiheneuc, MD, PhD

IdHEO (Франция)

Voluntary movement: does it exist? 

Yu. Moskalenko, MD, PhD

T. Kravchenko, MD, DO

G. Vainshtein

Institute of evolutionary physiology and biochemistry RAN, Russian School of Osteopathic Medicine (Russia)

Principles of osteopathic correction of dysfunction of central nervous system with liquorous hemodynamic origin

A. Belyaev, MD, PhD

State Medical Academy of Vladivostok (Russia)

Pain, vegetative nervous system and osteopathy 

J.-P.Amigues, D.О.


Correction of physiological programs related to perinatal stress 

Z. Kasvande, MD, PhD


Pathogenetic motor activity. Ways of improving of effectivity of osteopathic treatment

M. Kuchera, D.O.


Experience of osteopathic treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease and with Multiple Sclerosis

J.-P.Guiliani, D.О.

SFERE (Aix-en-Provence)

Implication of the glial cells in the neurological diseases. Interest of the laws of Chinese medicine for explain the treatment of these diseases in osteopathy

M. Wasel, MD, D.O., ND BSc (Hons)


The holistic approach to osteopathic conditions.

Justification for osteopathic treatments, considering "Red Flags" in theoretical and clinical studies as principles of osteopathy.

V. Frolov, MD, PhD, D.O.

State Medical Academy of Moscow (Russia)

Osteopathy as the main link in rehabilitation of patients with emotional and affective disorders developed against the background of algetic phenomena of locomotor apparatus

O. Merdy, D.О.

IdHEO (Nantes, France)

Study of the influation of cervical osteopathic manipulation on the vegetative nervous system

V. Kruglov, MD, PhD

A. Kruglov, MD, PhD

(Samara, Russia)

D. Mokhov, MD, PhD, D.O.

(St-Petersbourg, Russia)

A. Gaynutdinov, MD, PhD

(Kazan, Russia)

Postural dysfunctions in patients with lumbar radicular and pseudoradicular syndromes, osteopathic correction


12th June 2010

Workshop 1А Workshop 1В

D. Chopineau, D.О.

IdHEO (France)

From the osteopathic concept to the vertebral keyboard: application of osteopathic techniques in a global functional approach

M. Kuchera, D.O.


Osteopathic approaches to treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease and with Multiple Sclerosis

Workshop 2А Workshop 2В 

M. Wasel, D.O., Ph.D.

BCOM (England)

Muscle energy technique and high velocity technique in osteopathic treatment. Mobilisation of the spine in osteopathic somatic dysfunction

J.-P. Guiliani, D.O.

SFERE (France)

Therapeutic orientation in Osteopathy and Chinese medicine in relation to the different categories of glial cells in the neurological diseases


13th june 2010 

Workshop 3А Workshop 3В

J.-P. Amigues, D.О.


Correction of physiological programs related to perinatal stress

A. Belyaev, MD, PhD, D.О.


Osteopathic treatment of peripheral nerves

Workshop 4А Workshop 4В

Z. Kasvande, MD, PhD


Pathogenetic motor activity. Ways of improving of effectivity of osteopathic treatment

V. Kozlov, MD, PhD


Systemic (holistic) medicine and osteopathy. Concept of methodology, documentation, diagnosis and preventive treatment

Workshop 5В

S. Novoseltsev, MD, PhD, D.О.


Methodology, diagnostics and specific osteopathic treatment of discogenous algetic syndromes


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