International Osteopathy Open Congress

By tradition, St. Petersburg becomes the capital of world osteopathy during the city’s White Nights.
St. Petersburg State University and North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov gather specialists from all over the world to exchange experience at the Osteopathy Open Congress. From year to year this event is of great interest to doctors of various medical specialties.
The plenary sessions consider the research issues connected with the theoretical basis of osteopathic treatment as well as the results of clinical research with the application of modern means of verification, and practical seminars acquaint attendees with the latest technologies for osteopathic diagnostics and treatment.
The congress is attended by representatives of Russian state-funded medical and educational institutions, the leading representatives of Russian osteopathic associations, and international osteopathic associations.
In addition to the main portion of the annual workshop, we organize an interesting cultural program, which never ceases to delight with its diversity, including unforgettable voyages to Valaam Island, an excursion along rivers and canals, evening walks around St. Petersburg, grand banquets, performances by original groups, and much more.